In the tranquil town, a young detective inadvertently gets involved in a bizarre case of a missing corpse. As the investigation unfolds, a series of chilling secrets are gradually revealed, yet the truth becomes increasingly obscure. With its tight plot and unexpected twists, the short play immerses the audience in a tense atmosphere while prompting them to ponder the complexities of human nature and the dark side of society. The humorous elements in the play also add a touch of relaxation to the intense atmosphere, making "The Strange Corpse Case" an engrossing audiovisual feast.小男孩哈尼在森林中漫步时,发现了他的父亲——哈利的尸体。不同于一般谋杀案,这次因为多人都自认为凶手而令案情更加扑朔迷离。亚伯特船长(埃德蒙?格温EdmundGwenn饰)认为是他在打猎射击时误杀了哈利;村落里的老处女葛雷布礼小姐(麦尔翠德?耐维克MildredNatwick饰)认为是因为她为了保住自己的名声而用一只鞋子打了哈利的头部而造成他的死亡;与哈利感情不睦的妻子珍妮佛(雪莉?麦克雷恩ShirleyMacLaine饰)则认为是她因为反抗哈利的性爱用装牛奶的罐子敲向他的脑袋而造成了他的死亡。真相最后能否水落石出?详情