The "Star Journey" is a short play filled with fantasy, narrating the story of a group of brave explorers searching for lost civilizations and treasures in a distant star system. They travel through the sea of stars, facing unknown challenges and crises, constantly breaking through themselves to realize their dreams. The play combines science fiction and fantasy elements, showing humanity's longing and exploration of the unknown world. At the same time, the friendship, trust, and cooperation among the characters in the play convey a positive value, encouraging the audience to face the difficulties and challenges in life bravely.生活在罗马街头的意大利穷小子亚历克斯,最终实现了自己的梦想,成为一名叫泽塔的说唱歌手。在那个光怪陆离的嘻哈世界中,泽塔不得不与严酷的现实及内心的恶魔斗争,最终找到自己的归属。详情