The "Agent Game" is a short drama that combines suspense, action, and espionage. In this story filled with tense atmosphere, a group of agents faces threats and challenges from enemies while also dealing with doubts and betrayals within their ranks during the execution of various secret missions. Utilizing their intelligence, skills, and courage, they time and again resolve crises and protect national security. The drama is intense and thrilling, with a plot that rises and falls, showcasing the agents' unwavering belief in surviving in danger and darkness, as well as their deep camaraderie. Audiences will follow the footsteps of the agents, experiencing thrilling adventures and feeling the excitement of dancing on the edge of a knife.詹森·艾萨克、巴克德·阿巴蒂([菲利普船长])、阿丹·坎托(《指定幸存者》)加盟出演间谍题材惊悚片[特工游戏](AgentGame,暂译)。格兰特·S·约翰逊执导,泰勒·科尼([深海越狱])、迈克·朗格共同操刀剧本。此前加盟的卡司包括德蒙特·莫罗尼、凯蒂·卡西迪、瑞斯·考罗、安妮·伊隆泽、梅尔·吉布森。该片讲述中情局官员哈里斯(莫罗尼饰)参与了拘留和重新安置外国国民进行审讯的任务。当哈里斯的上司(艾萨克斯)被谋杀时,他发现自己成了杀害一名被拘留者(阿巴蒂饰)的替罪羊,他必须躲避被派去抓他的一队特工(坎托、卡西迪、考罗饰),他们由一个无情的双面间谍(伊隆泽饰)领导。吉布森饰演一名流氓情报官员,负责追捕和杀害哈里斯的私下行动。详情
西尔维斯特·史泰龙,斯科特·伊斯特伍德,薇拉·菲茨杰拉德,麦克·柯尔特,D·W·莫菲特,Anton Narinskiy,伊斯·巴尔韦德,Joel Cohen,La Monde Byrd,Patrick Millin,莱斯利·艾米特,Bret Aaron Knower,Beau Bommarito,Kevin W. Shiveley,John W. Harden,John E. Brownlee,Derek Polen